
September 22, 2010

Septemeber 22

Getting weight from ground to overhead efficiently and quickly was our entire focus today. Our WOD was a Miko Salo favorite, “Death by Clean and Jerk”! Athletes start with one lift on the minute and continue to increase by one lift every minute after. 7 seemed to be the watermark for most, the workout got frantic in the rounds following. David Ulmer 12 complete rounds (135) and Louisa Mezache on the girls side 7+7 (85) led the score board today! OSU students Chad and Sierra were also back in action tonight after a little summer time layoff!

Sierra is back

From septemeber 22nd

Chad is back

From septemeber 22nd

Power clean+Push jerk- 4×3

“Death by Clean and Jerk”
20 Minutes
1 clean and jerk on minute one, 2 c&j on minute 2, 3 C&J on minute 3…….. until failure
rest one minute then start the cycle back over
* repeat, rest and restart the cycle until 20 minutes is complete

September 22, 2010