
September 13, 2010

September 13th

Tonya Burlingame one of Rogue original members recently commissioned as an officer in the United States Army after graduating from Ohio State earlier this year. Her orders were changed and she had to leave earlier than she thought and is moving to Korea. Tonya was the last remaining active member from the early days. Tonya brought a funny, offbeat, and caring personality to the gym. She was a huge leader for us during the affiliates cup competition at regionals. Battling a lung infection she lead our team on the run and to it’s best finish in any event. Good luck Tonya you will be missed!!!!

Good mornings-4×10
Weighted ab mat sit-ups- 4×10

AMRAP 20 minutes
10- Kettlebell swings 53/35
10- Ring Dips
10- Sumo deadlift high pulls
10- Walking lunge steps

Tonya demo power clean + front squat

From april 29th

September 13, 2010