
July 16, 2024

Wednesday L2


3 Rounds

30 Single Unders

5 Wall Balls (20/14)-(10/9)

5 Power cleans

3 Front Squats



Deficit Clean


New Set Every 2:00

Progress to a heavy Single for the day

Standing on 1 Stall mat



For time

2 Sets:


3 Rounds:

75 Double Unders

20 Wall Balls (30/20)-(10/9′)

5 Power Cleans (205/145)


Rest 5:00 Between Sets


Elite: 225/155

Semis: RX

Quarters:15 Wall Balls, 185/125


Stimulus Check:

WallBalls should be unbroken every set. the power clean should be a heavyish single. Something you know you can hit but youll have to take a second between reps.


Opptional Additional Work

Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session

Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts +

additional work



Sled Drag

5 x 100m

As Heavy As Possible but unbroken. No Stopping.

Rest 1:30 Between Sets


Prisoner Ghd Back Extensions

4 x 10


Weighted Russian Twist

4 x 30 Total

Rest 1:30 Between Rounds

Progressive on the Hypers


Ice Cream Makers

4 x 6-10

Rest 1;00 Between




For Time:

30/24 Calorie Ski

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)

100′ Sandbag Carry (200/125)

July 16, 2024