
July 12, 2024

Saturday L2


For Time:

200m Run

:30 Wall Supported Handstand Hold

8 Clean Turnovers

8 Front Squats

:20 Wall Supported Handstand Shoulder taps

6 Deadlifts

6 High Hang Muscle-cleans

4 Tall Cleans



3 Position Power Clean

7 x Complex

New Set Every 2:00

All Unbroken. 1 Clean From High Hang, Hang and from the floor


Partner Workout

800m Run (Together)

100 Handstand Push-ups (Split- Other person holds Top Of Deadlift) 

100 Deadlifts (275/205) (Split- Other person holds Handstand)

800m Run (Together)

60 Bar Muscle-ups (Split- Other person Holds Front Rack)

60 Power Cleans (185/125) ( (Split- Other person Holds a dead hang)



Semis: RX

Quarters: 80 Handstand Push-ups 225/155, 155/105


Optional Additional Work

Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session

Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + 

additional work


Football Bar Bench


New Set Every 1:30

Progressive to a heavy Single



4 x 10

Rest 1:30 Between


Dynamic Push-up

4 x 6 (land on plates)

Progressive in height on the plates you’re landing on.

rest :30-1:00


Chin Over Bar Hold

3 x :20

Rest as Needed Between



5 Rounds:

100yd Swim

Rest 1:00 Between


6 Rounds:

50 yd Swim

Rest :20 Between

July 12, 2024