
June 25, 2024

Wednesday L2


3 Rounds:

2:00 Dart Game


3 Rounds

1 Wall Walk

4 Box Jumps (24/20)

6 Front Squats (45/35)



Low Block Clean


New Set Every 2:00

Progress to a heavy Single for the day

Set Block so the bar is below your knee while resting on it



20 Minutes

Every Minute On the Minute

#1&#2: 500/450m Row

#3: Max Wall Walk + Box Jump Complex Reps (24/20)



Elite: RX

Semis: RX

Quarters: 400/350m Row


Stimulus Check:

The Complex Is 1 Wall Walk then 1 Box Jump Over then back to the wall walk and so on.


Opptional Additional Work

Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session

Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + 

additional work


Sled Drag

4 x 400m (135/90)

Rest 1:1

Walk Fast!



Reverse Hyper

4 x 10


Ab Wheel Roll Outs

4 x 12-15

Rest 1:30 Between Rounds

Progressive on the Hypers


Weighted GHD to parallel

4 x 8

Rest 1;00 Between


Rest weight on your chest, do not go below parallel


10 Minutes

As Many Reps As Possible

400m Run

12 Dual Dumbbell Box Step overs (50/35s-20″)

12 Toes to Bar


Goal:3 + Rounds

June 25, 2024