
June 2, 2024

Monday L2


2 rounds:

10/8 Calorie Bike

10 Good mornings

5 Back Squats w/ 3s hold in the bottom

:20 Dead Hang


15/12 Calorie Bike

12 Wall Balls

6 Toes to Bar



Back Squat


New Set Every 2:00

Progressive to a heavy single for the day!



18 Minutes

Every Minute On the Minute

#1: 15/12 Calorie Bike

#2: 15 Toes to Bar

#3: 20 Wall Balls (20/14-10’/9′)


Elite: 18/14 Calories, 18 toes to bar

Semis: RX

Quarters: 12/9 Calories, 12 Toes to bar


Stimulus Check: looking for the Bike to be consistent each time finishing between :45-:50. the toes to bar should be done in no more than 3 sets the entire time, with the wallballs being close to unbroken each time


Optional Additional Work Sessions

Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session

Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + 

additional work



Reverse Hyper

3 x 20 (Progressive)


Belt Squat March

3 x 1:00 @ Body Weight

Rest 1:30 Between Sets


45 Degree Hip Extension

3 x 20

Rest 1:00 Between

Load with a dumbbell in the front rack

June 2, 2024