
December 5, 2023

Wednesday L2

Deload Day 3/6 



2 Position Halting Clean Deadlift + Tall Clean

4 x 1

New Set Every 1:15

Pause for 2-3 Seconds at 2″ Off the Ground and Above the Knee on the way up


2 Position Halting Clean


New Set Every 1:15

1 Clean Here, Pause for 2-3 Seconds at 2″ Off the Ground and Above the Knee on the way up



For Time:

7 Rounds

50 Double Unders

10 Hang Power Snatches (75/55)

20 WallBalls (20/14)-(10/9)



3 Rounds:

20 Wall tibialis raise

10/10 Knee Over Toes Pause Split Squat

50 Banded Hamstring Curls

Rest as needed between rounds

2 Second Pause In Split Squat


December 5, 2023