
December 1, 2023

Saturday L2


Clean Primer

2 Muscle Cleans + Front Squat

3 x Complex

New Set Every 1:00


TNG Clean

8 x 2

New Set Every 1:15

No more than 80%



Partner Workout Part A:

8 Minutes

As Many Reps as Possible

15/12 Calorie Bike (partner 1)

10 Power Snatches (135/95)(Partner 2)

15/12 Calorie Bike (Partner 2)

10 Power Snatches (135/95)(Partner 1)

Use the Same Bike and Same bar unless mixed gender.


Rest 5:00


Partner Workout Part B:

3 rounds (you go I go)

100′ Farmers Carry (70/44)

3 Rope Climbs

100′ Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (150/125)

Partner 1 does a full round then partner 2 goes. 3 rounds each.


Rest 5:00 


Partner Workout Part C;

10 Rounds:

7 Synchro Pull-ups

5 Synchro Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)


3 Scores/workouts here

Optional Additional Work Sessions

  • Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session
  • Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + additional work


Above the Knee Halting Snatch

6 x 1

New Set Every 1:30

Paue for 2 seconds Just Above the knee



Heavy Deficit Snatch Pull

4 x 1

New Set Every 1:30

Progressive From last Weight

Standing on a Hi temp 25# plate

December 1, 2023