
November 30, 2023

Friday L2


Push Jerk


Progress to a heavy single for the day

New Set Every 2:00



Bamboo Bar Overhead Hold

4 x :45


Dumbbell Floor Press

4 x 12

Cap 12:00

Attach Bands and kettlebells to the bamboo bar and old it overhead for :45 as heavy as possible without having to break early.



4 Rounds For Time:

30/24 Calorie Row

75 Double Unders

5 (1 Wall Walk + 1 Strict Chest to Wall Handstand Push-ups)


Elite:Deficit Wall Walk + Deficit SC2W HSPU(45/25 Hi temps)

Semis: As Prescribed

Quarters: 3(1 Wall Walks + 1 Strict C2W Handstand Push-ups)


Stimulus Check:

This workout is all about managing shoulder fatigue for the wall facing. If you are good at the wall facing hspu, push the row and double unders. If not, use the row as a recovery and break the double unders to keep your heart rate under control and mitigate the shoulders.

Optional Additional Work Sessions

  • Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session
  • Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + additional work



Football Bar Deadstop Bench Press

8 x 3 +20-40 Lbs From Last week

Rest :45-1:00 Between

Looking for fast reps here.

Place Pins so when holding bar your elbows are at 90 degrees


Wide Grip Neutral Grip Cable Row

4 x 12

Rest :45-1:00 Between


Behind the Neck Lat Pulldown

3 x 15

Rest :45-1:00 Between



Incline Alternating Chest Press

3 x 20 (Total)

Rest 1:00 Between 



3 Sets:

1 Mile Run

Rest 3:00 Between

November 30, 2023