
September 25, 2023

Tuesday L2


For Time:

2 Minutes of a Freestanding Handstand hold in a 4′ x 4′ Box


Semis: On Parallettes

Quartes: As Prescribed

Open: Supported by a Band

Accumulate 2:00 Upside down in as big of chunks as possible



5 Rounds

8 Low Ring Dips

10 Box Jumps (30/24)

20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)


1 Score here; Total Time

Semis: 70/50, Strict Ring Dips

Quarters: As Prescribed

Open; 4 Low Ring Dips, (24/20)


Stimulus Check:.

Looking to keep the Rings and dumbbell Unbrokent the whole workout.


Optional Additional Work Sessions:

  • Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session
  • Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + additional work



Bamboo Overhead Carry

4  x 100′

Rest 1:30-2:00



Prone Weighted Y raise on a Bench

3 x 15

Rest 1:00-1:30 Between


Band Work

150 Prone Banded Skull Crushers on a Bench



30 Minutes In zone 2 with no rest

September 25, 2023