
July 8, 2014

Wednesday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Skill Set #1 (No Measure)

100 Double unders
10 Strict pull-ups
10 Strict handstand push-ups
10 Dips
10 Muscle-ups
5 Rope climbs

Full Snatch (5×3)

New set every 2 minutes
Try to use the same loading as last week doubles

Front Squat (5 x 3)

New set every 2:00
Increase loading 10lbs from last weeks 3 x 5 (or use 87.5% of arm)

Metcon (Time)

Full Snatch 95/65
Chest to Bar Pull Ups

From July 9, 2014
From July 9, 2014

July 8, 2014