
December 3, 2013


Main – CrossFit

Dip and Core (No Measure)

15 minute CAP
3 rounds for load and skill
5- Dips (weighted)
10- russian twists with D-ball (over and back =1)
5- Dips (weighted)
10- weighted sit ups (use DB or double KB’s)
5- Dips (weighted)
10- GHD sit ups

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds
400m run (carry 20lb ball)
Achieve 2:00 minutes in
forearm plank hold

*Ideally you hold plank for 2:00 minutes without breaking
*But if you drop during 2:00 minutes
3- burpee penalty before getting back into plank

Extra Credit

Accumulate 100 double unders.

December 3, 2013