
September 22, 2013


Main – CrossFit

Back Squat (3×10)

3 total sets (15 total minutes)
Every 5 minutes
1st set:
10- back squat (50% of 1 rep max)
2nd set:
10- back squat (60%)
3rd set:
10- back squat (max effort loading)

*athlete will still only do 10 reps on 3rd set, they will attempt to establish the heaviest 10 rep max possible

Metcon (Time)

4 rounds
400m run
10- alternating step back lunges
(5-R shoulder/5- L shoulder) (30/20)
10- hang power cleans (135/85)

*every time you drop barbell during hang power cleans, you must perform;
1- burpee penalty before picking bar back up

September 22, 2013