
May 24, 2013


Main – CrossFit

Lynne (AMRAP – Reps)


TIPS for the day;

*There is a 40 minute time cap (Rest plenty so you are able to hit BIG working sets)

*If you are not able to bench press your bodyweight. Scale to a load that you think you can handle for sets of 12-15 good reps. (meaning you should be struggling to lockout the last 2 reps of each set)

PULL-UPS- SCALE options;
*If you are not able to perform more than 15 pull-ups at a time, use a band assisted modification and your objective for the day is to get one of the set amount of pull-ups (break up into 5 sets)

Crossfitting for 1-3 weeks
50 pull-ups
Crossfitting for 1-3 months
75 pull-ups
Crossfitting for 3+ months
100 pull-ups
5 Rounds for Max Reps of:
Bodyweight Bench Press

May 24, 2013