
May 23, 2013


All-levels CrossFit

Push Press (3x 5-3-1 wave)

3 waves (9 total sets)
Every :90 seconds perform
5-3-1- push press

Example of 1 wave;
1st :90 seconds = 5 push press
2nd :90 seconds = 3 push press
3rd :90 seconds = 1 push press

*athlete will try to increase load for each set, each new wave
(5×95, 3×115, 1x 135)
(5×100, 3×125, 1x 145)
(5×105, 3×135, 1x 165)


Metcon (Time)

For time;
30- push press (double KB’s) (53/35)
40- box jumps (24/20)
30- D-ball squat cleans (30/20)
400m run with 45/25lb plate

May 23, 2013