
February 2, 2012

February 2nd

Who knew that making yourself go upside down was so fun? It turns out that all those cartwheels and somersaults we learned in elementary school gym class actually paid off. Great progress for many today during our gymnastic focus skill session. The WOD was an absolute beast. Wall climbs get tough in a hurry and work more core and coordination then one may think. Rest up, eat well, stay mobile and drink water!

Headstand into handstand progressions
Kipping Handstand pushup
Handstand Walking

21- Deadlifts (225/155)
9- Wall climbs
15- Deadlifts
6- Wall climbs
9- Deadlifts
3- Wall climbs

*wall climbs= start chest to deck, walk body into handstand facing wall, chest touches wall, return back to chest to deck= 1

From February 2, 2012
From February 2, 2012
From February 2, 2012

February 2, 2012