
January 7, 2012

January 7th

We had a huge class this morning so we took the time to teach and show some advance progressions on gymnastic movements. The rings are very intimidating but knowing modifications and how to use band assistance can help people get over their fear. With the nice weather we took some of the workout outside for some short running intervals.

Remember to check out our facebook page for nutrition information and updates.

In two weeks, January 21st we are having a “Eating for Energy” seminar immediately following the 11am workout.

email [email protected] to sign up or more details!

gymnastic progressions
-skin the cat
-front lever
-back lever
-muscle ups

2 Rounds
:45 seconds on/:15 seconds transition
Muscle ups
Run 150m
Overhead Squat (left arm)
Run 150m
Overhead Squat (right arm)
Run 150m

January 7, 2012