
April 9, 2011

April 9th

Athlete is to pick the heaviest weight they feel they can deadlift 21 times without letting go of the bar or resting the bar/weights on the ground. The athlete can pause at the top but all lifts must be touch and go and lock out at top. The goal is to barely be able to manage the last few reps. Go heavy and challenge yourself. If you finish the 21 easy then you went too light 🙂

Thanks to CrossFit Central in Austin, Texas for comingup with this cool challenge.

12 minute AMrepsAP
Run 150m
7-burpees, then…
Max Push-ups (any pause, hold or stop equals failure, write down your number and back to the 150m run)
*score-total amount push-ups completed

April 9, 2011