
April 2, 2011

April 2nd

The workout today was a 5 station 30 minute AMRAP with 6-teams of 3. One member of your team starts on the rower, when he/she finishes they move on to KB swings and team member #2 jumps on the rower. The idea of the workout is to keep moving because you don’t want to log jam your team. No members are allowed to pass. Rest is rewarded by moving quick through your station and cheering on the team member ahead of you.

30min AMRAP
Teams of 3
“Follow the Leader”
18- Row (calories)
15- Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
12- Abmat Sit-ups
9- Overhead Squats (65/45)
6- Dumbbell Burpees (30/15)

April 2, 2011