
January 6, 2011

December 6th


6:00am Class Canceled

9:30am Rogue Yoga is on
11:00am Elements is on
12noon class is on

The WOD today was fun and fast! Having the ability to rebound box jump will really cut down your workout time and help save you some energy. Alex Whitsel posted the fastest guys time at 4 minutes flat Rx with Bob Carleton close behind at 4:22 Rx. Savanna Wilson had the top women’s time Rx at 6:08. Be safe on the roads, give yourself plenty of room to stop.

Pistols (single leg squat)
3×5 (each leg)
Rope Climb

5 Rounds
12- Deadlift (135/95)
21- Box Jumps (24″/20″)

January 6, 2011