
December 22, 2010

December 22nd

**************************** No Class Friday or Saturday due to Christmas*************************************

Todays workout kind of came about by accident. It was planned as simple interval rows, and changed last minute to an epic partner workout. Partner workouts always seem to get that extra little push out of people. Nobody wants to let their team down and today was no different. The 5pm awesome, we had a full class of really motivated athletes including some of our top performers. I tried to make teams as even as possible but the last two people standing were Juice and Heather, who are straight firbreathers. They did a great job and got the best score today with a 350. Awesome performances across the board today!

Barbell Rollout- 3×12
Weighted sit-up-3×12

2 person teams
10 minutes
250 Row
Max rep overhead sandbag alternating lunges 40/25
10 Minutes
250 Row
Max rep clean and jerk 115/75
– Workout is 20 total minutes
-One team member rows while the other completes max repetitions of lunges or clean and jerks
– Partners switch when 250 meters is competed and the cycle resumes
– At 10 minutes exercise switches from lunges to clean and jerks
– Score total reps

December 22, 2010