
December 21, 2010

December 21st

Today we had a great strength session with the sumo deadlift. This is a great switch up for CrossFit athletes from the conventional deadlift. With shorter range of motion, the sumo stance can allow athletes to pull a heavier load.

The workout was an awesome test and had a competition WOD feel to it. Moderate weight on overhead squats, toes to bar and sumo-deadlift high pulls. Phil Tassi marked today’s highest score with 11 rounds +6 reps. Louisa Mezache racked up the most out of the Rogue women, completing 8 full rounds Rx’d!

Sumo Deadlift
15 minute clock
3- Lifts on the Minute for 5 Minutes
2- Lifts on the Minute for 5 Minutes
1- Lift on the Minute for 5 Minutes

15 minute AMRAP
5- OHS (95/65)
7- Toes to bar
10- Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)

December 21, 2010