
December 20, 2010

December 20th

Todays workout was based off a main site workout from a few months ago. The workout featured a thruster push-up combo that left athletes wondering how the push-ups felt harder than the thrusters toward the end of the workout. Jake and Juice battled it out and pushed each other hard at 5 pm. Jake fresh off an impressive performance at the Hopper challenge got had the best time of day completing the workout in 14:45!

3×5- Light thruster (for speed)
3×3- Heavier thruster for load

10 Rounds
10 Thruster 95/65
10 Push-ups
5 Different push up varieties
Chest to deck- 1,6
Hand release- 2,7
Toes on box (nose to ground)- 4,9
Ring- 5,10

December 20, 2010