
December 14, 2010

December 13th

You know you’ll be in for a great workout when you read the words “max reps”. After a nice balance, arms, and core skill session it was all business. The workout demanded 50 box jumps before you were allowed to pick up your bar. From here it became all mental toughness, leg power, and how long can you manage a barbell loaded on the front of your shoulders? Be careful walking up and down steps for the next few days 😉

“Seriously…I have never had my legs feel like that!”
-Savanna Wilson


4 Rounds (not for time)
12- KB – Pushup
12- Toes 2 bar

12 Minute cap
50 Box Jumps
Front Squat- Max repetitions (135/85)
Every drop of the bar
15- Ab Mat Sit Ups

Score total # of front squat reps after 12 minutes

Dave Ulmer- 83 (185)
Mike Tarnapoll- 105 (135)

Jessica Clay- 71 (85)
Heather Welsh- 68 (85)

December 14, 2010