
December 10, 2010

December 9th

Today was like my favorite type of book athletes could “choose your own adventure”. The session began with snatch practice leading up to a 1 rep max attempt. Kieth Simon hit an impressive 215 split snatch and Phil Tassi stuck a 195 squat snatch. Savanna Wilson pr’d and hit a 100 lbs squat snatch earlier in the day as well! Athletes were then allowed to choose form 5 different workouts at the end. Great job today!

3×1- Light weight
complex of
Snatch balance
drop squat
overhead squat
3×2- snatch pull

7 Min
Find 1 rm snatch

Choose 1

Row 3k

AMRAP 12 min
5 burpees
3 Rope climbs

“G.I Jane”- 100 Burpee pull-ups

150 Kettlebell snatch 53/35

30 muscle ups for time

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December 10, 2010