
December 1, 2010

December 1st

In Crossfit workouts Olympic lifts are often used at lighter loads and done for multiple reps. Doing these lifts for repetition without releasing the bar it a skill on it’s own. Today we took time to focus on the touch and go power clean, which is a skill that helped Graham Holmberg win the Crossfit games back in July. The WOD was a gut busting core workout with a burpee finish. Alex Whitsel edged out a few other with a time of 7:57 for todays best!
Miko Salo is in town and stopped in the gym today. Word on the street is him and Graham are going head to head tomorrow up at the Rogue Warehouse. Wonder if they’re selling tickets?

Touch and go Power cleans- 3×5

100- Floor wipers
75- Ab-mat sit-ups
50 Burpees

Freakin Stout!

December 1, 2010