
November 16, 2010

November 16th

Quick and explosive was the key to the movements today. Having the ability to jump and drop under a heavy load takes a lot of trust and precise timing. Dave Ulmer managed to put up a 300lb split jerk, 25lb PR!! The WOD was nasty burner that was found on earlier this year in the summer. Heavy quick push press/jerk and high box jumps combined can really jack up your heartrate. Nice work today Rogue athletes!

Split Jerk
(1 rep every :90 sec)

AMRAP 12 minutes
5- Push Press/Jerk
7- Box Jump (30″/24″)

Top Scores:
Mike Tarnapoll- 17+6 Rx
Dave Ulmer- 16+5 Rx

Dawn Elsea- 15+5 Rx
Allison Wendt- 14+2 Rx

November 16, 2010