
November 4, 2010

Novemeber 4th

This was a heck of a full body workout! I dont think i’ve seen so many people laying on the ground post WOD like I did today. The 5:30 pm class brought the intensity with a packed house. Phil Tassi set a new PR on snatch nailing a beautiful 205lb squat snatch. Be prepared for tomorrow, it will be a great test of fitness 🙂

1 Snatch on the minute for 10 minutes
(10- total lifts)

3:00 minute cap
10- Power snatch (115/75)
Toes 2 bar (remaining time after the 10 snatch do max reps)

2 minute rest

3:00 minute cap
10- Power snatch
Max rep ring dips

2 minute rest

3:00 minute cap
10- Power snatch
Max rep lateral burpees over bar

November 4, 2010