
May 6, 2010

May 6th

We took a break from the legs today and worked core stability and upper-body endurance. This workout has popped up on Crossfit mainsite before and can be very challenging with full range of motion. 15 year old Kasee McDougle put up the fastest time of the day as he was able to get all 10 rounds finished under 10 minutes!!

3×3 Turkish Get UP
3×10 Floor Wiper

10 Rounds
10- Pullups
10- Ring Dips

**We are closed May 7th, 8th and 9th due to Crossfit Regionals**

Individual Competitors
Graham Holmberg
Dave Ulmer
Savanna Wilson

Affiliate Team
Brandon Couden
Alex Whitsel
Phil Tassi
Chad Bauman
Tonya Burlingame
Heather Welsh

May 6, 2010