
May 4, 2010

May 4th

An empty 45 lbs bar doesn’t look too intimidating until you’ve done 125 jumping squats with one during a workout. Today workout was deceptively hard as the jumping squats sapped your energy before max rep knees to elbows/sit-up/ and burpees! I want to thank Rich who dropped in today and helped out some of our affiliate cup competitors with snatch technique!


3×10 -Kettlebell swing

5×5- Deadlift

25 Jumping Squats w/45 lbs bar starts each 3:00 round for max reps with 1:00 rest between rounds
1) Knees to elbows
2) Ab mat sit-ups
3) Knees to elbows
4) Ab mat sit-ups
5) Burpees

* Score total reps, other than squat jumps

May 4, 2010