
April 29, 2010

April 29th

Today Rogue athletes got to choose their own workout. Many athletes picked a workout that wasn’t suited to their strength or choose to do multiple workouts.The night sessions were rockin! 6:30 strength and conditioning/affiliate cup practice was a one mile run followed by 30 clean and jerks at 135/85 with three athletes getting sub 10 minute times Mike T- 7:50, Brandon C-8:32, and Chad B-9:30! The 7:30 class was full of motivated athletes with most choosing to do multiple workouts during the session!

Thruster 3-3-3-3

Choose either
1- 100 burpees for time
2-Death by thrusters 95/65
3- Death by dumbell burpee 35/20
4- 2000m row
5- 100 burpee pull-up
6- 150 wallball

April 29, 2010