
April 20, 2010

April 20th

What an amazing day at Rogue Fitness, it was one of the highest energy days this year! With the nice weather, regionals and the affiliate cup quickly approaching the energy in the building has gone through the roof!! The WOD was the 2008 Crossfit Games Deadlift Burpee event! This short, fast, explosive WOD got everyones blood pumping in anticipation for the 3-2-1 go! There were alot of fast times that would have been very competitive or near the top of the rankings in the 2008 event!

Deadlift- 4×3

Toes to bar- 4×5

Skin the cat-

5 Rounds
5 Deadlift 275/185
10 Burpees

April 20, 2010