
April 13, 2010

April 13th

When you fit 30 clean and jerks with 155, 100+ ace push ups (chest to kettlebell inside grip on the kettlebell), and 100+ tall swings with a 53 lbs kettlebell in a 15 minute workout “Your doin work!” That exactly what Alex Whitsel did during the packed 7:30 class. Tonights energy was flat out awesome! Strength and conditioning was full off athletes working heavy lifts and doing competition WOD’s. The classes looked really sharp it was a fun day to coach!

touch and go clean and jerks

3- 5 minute rounds
Each round starts with 10 clean and jerks 155/85
workout is scored by As many rounds as possible of
10 Ace-pushups (tricep push-up griping kettlebell and touching chest to kettlebell back to full extension)
10 tall swings 53/35
no rest period between rounds so the workout is continuous for 15 minutes

April 13, 2010