
April 9, 2010

April 9th

Wrapping up another great week at Rogue we hammered technique on Olympic Lifting. Athletes were still a little shook up from the Rogue Total 2 days before, but seemed to loosen up quickly and were nailing some heavy cleans. OSU student Phil Tassi nailed a beauitful 260 power clean! There were many athletes starting to get comfortable and dropping under the bar for a full squat clean. Doing work today!

Every Minute on the Minute (10 minutes)
2-Power Clean or Squat Clean
Every Minute on the Minute (10 minutes)
1- Power Clean or Squat Clean

10 Minutes
20- KB Swings (53/35)
Max Pushups (Til Failure)

*score total push-ups

April 9, 2010