
April 8, 2010

April 8th

Today’s skill work was fun but awkward. Turkish get-ups are a skill that we use every so often but today athletes were forced to try this tricky exercise with dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, and the toughest of all dynamax balls! This put every athletes core strength and balance to the test with even our most seasoned athletes struggling to stand up and come back down with the dynamax balls! The workout was the Crossfit benchmark “Jackie”! Tackling this workout not only takes well rounded fitness but proper plan of attack and pacing on the rower!

Turkish get-up
Set 1 dumbell
Set 2 kettlebell
Set 3 barbell
Set 4 dynamax medicine ball

1000 m row
50 45lbs thrusters
30 pull-ups

April 8, 2010