
February 27, 2010

February 27th

We had a good turn out for todays noon group. A room packed full of motivated athletes, several of which are gearing up for the sectional next weekend. Our skill today involved a barbell complex that some athletes found themselves scaling mid workout as the weight started to wear on them. Our WOD was a chipper that had the group sighing when the bell went off every two minutes, which meant burpees!

Every minute on the minute for ten minutes
2 Thrusters
4 Hang cleans
6 Sumo deadlift high pulls

Every two minutes do 3 burpees
30 Deadlifts 135/95
30 Ring dips
30 Wall ball 16/12
30 Overhead Squats 75/45
30 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Overhead medicine ball lunges 16/12

February 27, 2010