

Classes starting on May 26th

Open gym runs from the first class through the end of the last class every day!


We welcome drop-ins at Crossfit Grandview but we have a few rules!

1. Send us an email to let us know you”ll be dropping in. Refer to our class schedule for class times.

2. Drop-in fee is the purchase of a t-shirt $25.00 (CASH ONLY). If you are staying longer or don’t want a t-shirt we can prorate a training fee. WE DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS FOR DROP IN FEES OR T-SHIRTS.

3. Come a few minutes early to sign a waiver or save time by using this link to fill out your waiver online.

4. The drop-in policy applies to experienced Crossfitters only (i.e know how to scale workouts, be familiar with common Crossfit movements) Use common sense on this.

5. If you are local and don’t have experience with Crossfit (worked out at an affiliate for an extended period of time 6 months or more) refer to our “how to start” section.