Tuesday L2
2 Rounds
20 Wall Facing Shoulder Taps
10 Toes to Rings
5 Strict Ring Dips
Legless Rope Climb
6 x 1
New Set Every 1:00
Legless up and Down
Elite: Wear a weight vest
Quarters: Legless Up Regular down
10 Minutes
As Many Reps As Possible
5 Ring Muscle-ups
30′ Handstand Walk (15′ Segments)
Elite: 7 Ring Muscle-ups, 45′ Handstand Walk
Semis: RX
Quarters:3/1 Ring Muscle-up, 15′ Handstand Walk
Stimulus Check:
Looking to keep the majority of the ring muscle-ups unbroken. Pick a handstand distance you can confidently keep 1/2 of it unbroken every time.
Opptionial Additonal Work
Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session. Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts +
additional work
Banded Strict Press
9 x 3 @ 45% + 25%
New Set Every 1:00
Band Reference
Orange= 1Rm<145
Red= 1Rm=145-200
Blue=1Rm= 200-280
Weigted Strict Dips
4 x 8
Rest 1:00-1:30 Between
Behind the kneck Lat Pull-down
4 x 12
Rest 1:00 Between
Freestanding Handstand Hold
For Time:
1:30 Hold in a 4’x4′ Square
Last week here can anyone go unbroken?
For Time:
Deficit Handstand Push-ups (4″/2″)
Calorie Ski Er