
June 5, 2023

Tuesday L2


Seated Deadstop Strict Press

10 x 2

New Set Every :45

Looking for Fast reps Here

Try to go a little heavier than last week


Banded Straight Bar Skull Crusher

4 x 12 (Red/Orange Bands)

New Set Every 2:00




3 Rounds:

100 Double Unders

50 WallBalls

100′ Handstand Walk

Rest 2:00 Between Rounds

3 Scores here


Semis: 120 Double Unders, 150′ Handstand Walk

Quarters: As Prescribed

Open: 75 Double Unders, 50′ Handstand Walk


Stimulus Check:

Goal for this is between 4-6 Minutes Per Round. Double unders should be done unbroken or close to it. On the Wallballs we’re looking for no more than 3 sets. For the handstand walk you should be taking no more than 1 minute to get the distance. The rest here allows you to push the pace on the transitions and do bigger sets so don’t be afraid to take chances and see what your body can do.


Optional Additional Work Sessions:

  • Only do additional training if your able to recover for next training session
  • Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + additional work



Split Jerk

6 x 2

New Set Every 1:30




Dual Dumbbell Arnold Press

4 x 12


Rest 1:00 Between


Plate Loaded Bent Over Reverse Flys

3 x 20

No more than #15 Plates

Rest 1:00 between


Kneeling Banded Crunches

2 x 100

Rest 1:00 Between


June 5, 2023