
June 13, 2022

Tuesday Games Training

Skill Test:

Max Effort Ring Muscle-Up Test

Strict or Kipping Option

  • Choose which option that you’ve been working on the past 6 weeks
  • Men after test if under 10 on Strict or 20 on Kipping accumulate the remainder of the reps after the test (example 15 kipping, drop rest then hit a set of 5)
  • Women after test if under 7 on Strict or 15 on kipping accumulate the remainder of the reps after the test (example 7 kipping, drop rest then hit a set of 5 and a set of 3)


Strength Work:

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + High Hang Power Clean

10 x Complex

Sets 1-3 – 55-60%

Sets 4-6 – 60-65%

Sets 7-8 – 65-70%

Sets 9-10 –70-75%


Push Jerk 

5 x 6 @ 60-70% of 1-RM Jerk*

*Pause 1 full second overhead every rep

New Set Every 2:00



As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible In 12 Minutes

100 Double-Unders

20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (70/50)

100 Foot Sandbag Carry (150/100) (Bear Hug)


Optional Additional Work Sessions:

  • Choose additional work sessions that focus on your weaknesses. 
  • Only do additional training if your able to recover for next training session
  • Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + additional work


Strength Accessory



3 Rounds

100m Reverse Sled Drag

(as heavy as possible – no more than one stop per length)

Rest 2:00



4 Rounds

20/15 Calorie Bike

20 GHD Sit-Ups

6 Sandbag Cleans (150/100)

200’ Shouldered Sandbag Carry

Rest 1:00


Running Endurance Option


4 Rounds 

Run 800m

New Run Every 6:00

Run each set at ascending percentages: 75, 80, 85, 90%


Aerobic Capacity Accessory:

Against a 4-minute running clock:

20/15 Calorie Row or Ski-Erg

20/15 Calorie Bike of Bike Erg

20/15 Calorie Assault Runner or Row

Max Burpees In remaining time

Rest 2:00 then repeat for a total of 4 sets.



June 13, 2022